Fans of the reality show 1000-Lb Best Friends have recently been speculating about the current state of the cast members’ friendships. While Vanessa, Meghan, Ashley, and Tina have always showcased a strong bond onscreen, some observant fans have noticed a decrease in social media posts featuring all the women, leading to speculation about potential issues or drama offscreen.
During Season 2 of 1000-Lb Best Friends, Meghan asked the other three cast members to be her bridesmaids, and they all enthusiastically participated in dress shopping and stood by her side on the big day. However, since the Season 2 finale aired, fans have been wondering if something happened behind the scenes that caused a rift between the women.
While none of the cast members have addressed the situation publicly, a recent Instagram post by Tina caught the attention of fans. In the post, she stated that she would be ignoring anything that felt forced, fake, unnecessary, or misaligned with her personal growth and healing. Notably, Meghan, Tina’s best friend, liked the post, and many of Tina’s followers offered words of encouragement. This sparked further speculation about who or what Tina was referring to in her post.
Another topic of interest is Vanessa Cross, who has gained significant popularity and recognition among fans of the show. Some viewers have suggested that the other women might be feeling jealous of Vanessa’s journey and her strong connection with the audience. While Meghan, Ashley, and Tina frequently feature in each other’s Instagram posts, it has been a while since Vanessa shared a post featuring the other women.
In fact, one fan directly asked Vanessa about her relationship with the other ladies in a recent Instagram post, expressing curiosity about their current friendship. Although Vanessa did not reply, the fan’s question ignited a conversation among followers.
At this point, it is impossible to confirm whether anything significant occurred between the cast members. However, based on their cryptic social media posts, it is likely that 1000-Lb Best Friends will return for a third season. If there were any issues that caused a rift, the cast members may not be able to address them publicly until new episodes air on TLC. In the meantime, fans eagerly await clarification and answers to their burning questions about the status of the friendships within the cast.