Fans of the popular show 90 Day Fiancé were taken aback when rumors started circulating about a possible romantic involvement between Asuelu Pulaa and Winter Everett. The speculation began after some eagle-eyed fans spotted them getting cozy at a nightclub, causing their pictures and videos to quickly go viral. This led to questions and concerns from fans, wondering if Asuelu had cheated on his wife Kalani with Winter. Finally, Chantel, a star of the show The Family Chantel and sister to Winter, decided to address the accusations publicly.
The rumors of Asuelu dating Winter began to circulate as his marriage with Kalani seemed to be deteriorating. Photos and clips from their trip to Atlanta garnered significant attention as they appeared affectionate with each other. In one particular image, it seemed as though Asuelu was leaning in for a kiss with Winter, further fueling the dating rumors. Both Asuelu and Winter individually denied the speculations, but Chantel had remained silent on the matter until now. Recently, she took to Instagram to share a screenshot of an article discussing the dating rumors surrounding Winter and Asuelu. The article mentioned how these rumors had troubled Chantel’s sister. Chantel commented, “Word on the curb is that Winter is responsible for Asuelu’s white tongue situation.” She further wrote, “This was filmed at the end of December, and I can’t remember when their dating rumors started.” Although Chantel did not explicitly defend Winter, her statement seemed to put an end to the speculations surrounding her sister once and for all.
Fans of 90 Day Fiancé have been left wondering if Asuelu cheated on Kalani with Winter, especially considering the timeline of events. Kalani had previously revealed her husband’s infidelity during his trip to Samoa in October 2022. However, Asuelu met Winter during his trip to Atlanta. Moreover, filming for the show The Last Resort took place in January 2023, while the dating rumors between Asuelu and Winter started in April 2023. Based on this timeline, it appears that there is a fair chance that Asuelu cheated on Kalani in October, while she began posting pictures with another person in December 2022, and then filmed for The Last Resort in January.