Amanda Halterman, known for her appearance on TLC’s “1000-Lb. Sisters,” recently took to Instagram to share her recent pain and suffering. In a series of selfies taken in the driver’s seat of an empty school bus, Amanda expressed that her past four days as a bus driver had been challenging.
She described her experience as miserable and expressed gratitude that her coworkers and the students she transported were able to get home safely without any issues. Amanda also mentioned her relief that the weather forecast for the following week did not include scorching hot temperatures. She concluded her post by wishing her followers a happy Friday and a nice weekend.
In the comments section, many fans of “1000-Lb. Sisters” expressed surprise at learning that Amanda was a school bus driver. Some praised her for having a cool job, while others who were also school bus drivers related to her post about the challenges of working in the heat. Amanda confirmed that the students on her bus recognized her from the show and often asked her questions.
Responding to a comment about the TLC series, Amanda teased fans that new episodes were coming soon and would be aired in December.
While Amanda’s post primarily focused on her experience as a bus driver, it does not suggest any major personal issues or health concerns. The post mainly serves as a relatable moment for her followers, highlighting the challenges she faced in her job.