Karen Derrico, known for her role on TLC’s “Doubling Down With the Derricos,” has recently shared an exciting update with fans. Despite their already busy schedule, Karen and her husband Deon Derrico have taken on a new project that involves the whole family. The Derricos have started a garden and are celebrating a fresh start after their initial attempt unfortunately failed. Let’s dive into the details of their new project and the fans’ reactions to this update.
As fans of the show and followers of the family on social media know, Deon and Karen Derrico lead a busy life. With 14 children to homeschool and their own work commitments, they seem to have efficient systems in place to manage everything.
Karen took to Instagram to share the news with her fans. She revealed that the Derrico family embarked on a garden project over the summer. Although their initial attempt didn’t succeed, they are starting fresh and putting in extra effort to make it work this time.
Karen explained that they enlisted the help of Garden Farms and made improvements such as adding irrigation and high-quality soil to ensure better results. The family has planted various crops, including cucumbers, collard greens, dill, watermelon, and zucchini. They have also planted flowers to attract bees and birds.
Karen’s post featured photos and clips of the garden, and it’s evident that Derrick Derrico is actively involved and excited about the project. Karen mentioned that Derrick, her “little herbalist,” is eager to have homegrown vegetables on their table for Thanksgiving.
Fans of “Doubling Down With the Derricos” expressed their enthusiasm for this update. Many could relate to the challenges of gardening and appreciated the family’s determination to try again. One fan commented on the post, expressing excitement about seeing the Derricos’ harvest and sharing their own gardening struggles. Another fan noted the advantage of living in Vegas and being able to garden during the fall season.
Fans are eagerly awaiting further updates on the progress of the Derrico family’s garden. The project seems to be bringing joy to the entire family, and followers are enjoying witnessing it from a distance.
Deon and Karen Derrico’s new garden project has garnered excitement among fans of “Doubling Down With the Derricos.” The family’s determination to start fresh after their initial setback resonates with many, and followers are looking forward to seeing how their garden flourishes. The involvement of the whole family in this exciting venture adds another layer to the Derricos’ already busy and inspiring life.