Audrey Roloff, known for her appearances on Little People Big World, and her husband Jeremy Roloff have faced criticism from fans regarding their parenting decisions. While they try to make the best of their time with their children, their choices have not always been well-received by LPBW fans.
Recently, Audrey shared pictures from her daughter Ember’s first day of kindergarten on her Instagram stories. Ember looked adorable in her white floral dress, big bow, and pink socks paired with white Mary Janes. She posed on a brick ledge holding a signboard that indicated it was her first day of kindergarten. The signboard also revealed that Ember is six years old, will be homeschooled, and mentioned her interests and aspirations.
However, fans were surprised and concerned about Audrey and Jeremy’s decision to homeschool Ember, especially since she had attended preschool at a reputable institution. Some fans expressed sadness for Ember, feeling that she deserved a proper education. Others referred to her as a “poor kid.” One fan questioned the reasoning behind homeschooling when Ember had previously attended preschool.
These criticisms and concerns were shared by fans on a Reddit thread, reflecting their opinions and perceptions of what they consider to be the best educational choice for Ember. Ultimately, the decision to homeschool Ember lies with Audrey and Jeremy as her parents, and they likely have their own reasons and beliefs that led them to make this choice for their daughter.