Little People Big World, one of TLC’s longest-running shows, has featured the Roloff family and their iconic pumpkin festival held on their family farm. Matt Roloff, along with other family members, has been working tirelessly to make this year’s festival a success. In an effort to generate excitement among LPBW fans, Matt recently took his followers on a video tour, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the latest updates and additions to the festival.
During the video, Matt drove his tractor around the expansive $4 million farm, showcasing the nearly ready fields and various attractions. With an infectious enthusiasm, he expressed his belief that this might be one of the best pumpkin seasons they have ever had. He highlighted new features such as the redesigned kids’ area, the trike track, and the famous duck race. Matt reassured fans that no ducks would be harmed in the game, as they had opted for rubber ducks instead.
Taking viewers along, Matt revealed a new building that has been transformed into a coffee house, adding a cozy and inviting space for festival attendees. He also briefly showed the exterior of his still-under-construction house, giving fans a glimpse of the ongoing progress.
Concluding the video tour, Matt predicted that this year’s pumpkin festival would be a fun-filled experience for all. Despite initial challenges in generating excitement, the updates and additions showcased in the video aim to reinvigorate fans’ anticipation for the annual event.
As the Roloff family continues to adapt and evolve over the years, the pumpkin festival remains a cherished tradition, connecting them with their dedicated audience. LPBW fans can look forward to attending the festival and experiencing the festive atmosphere on the Roloff farm.