Jen Arnold, known for her role on TLC’s The Little Couple, recently celebrated her daughter Zoey Klein’s 12th birthday. She used a trending TikTok template to create a video in honor of Zoey’s special day and shared it on both TikTok and Instagram. Fans of The Little Couple were shocked by Zoey’s transformation, as they felt like she went from being a toddler to a pre-teen in the blink of an eye. In the comments, fans expressed their admiration for Zoey’s beauty and joined Jen in wishing her a happy birthday.
Many fans shared their sentiments, expressing both joy and a hint of sadness at how quickly Zoey has grown up. They recalled watching the episode of The Little Couple where Jen and her husband traveled to pick up Zoey, emphasizing how time has flown since then. Fans left comments celebrating Zoey’s birthday and expressing their surprise at her age.
Fans also appreciated Jen Arnold’s continued updates on her children through social media. While it has been years since new episodes of The Little Couple aired on television, fans have made it clear that they miss the family and enjoy receiving updates about them online.
Jen’s video celebrating Zoey’s birthday garnered nearly 40,000 views in just two days, and her Instagram posts about Zoey have received praise and birthday wishes from over 200 followers. Fans are in awe of how Zoey has grown up, and they commend Jen for the great job she has done raising her children.
Jen Arnold has been actively posting about Zoey on her Instagram profile, with several recent posts dedicated to her daughter’s birthday and National Daughter’s Day. Fans continue to express their amazement at how quickly Zoey is growing up and praise Jen for her parenting skills.