Jenna Ronan, known for her appearance on TLC’s Unexpected, recently shared a collection of pictures from her baby shower with fans. Currently pregnant with her second baby, Jenna is due to give birth soon. She announced the pregnancy in March and has been keeping her followers updated throughout the past few months. This will be her first child with her current boyfriend, JJ Della. She already has a three-year-old son named Luca from a previous relationship with Aden Albright.
To celebrate the impending arrival of her new baby, Jenna had a baby shower over the weekend. She wore a curve-hugging light blue maxi dress that accentuated her baby bump, and her hair was styled in curls for the occasion. Jenna shared several photos on her Instagram page, featuring herself, her son Luca, friends, and family members posing in front of an elaborate balloon arch. It’s evident that the upcoming baby is already loved by those close to Jenna.
The baby shower had a bear-themed decoration, with blue, white, and brown balloons and cute bear accents such as stuffed animals and candy. Fans of Unexpected expressed their admiration for Jenna and her party in the comments section of her post. They praised her appearance and expressed happiness that she is being showered with love and gifts before the arrival of her second baby.
As Jenna’s due date approaches, fans are eagerly awaiting news of the baby’s arrival. While she hasn’t publicly shared the specific due date, it’s expected to be soon. Stay tuned for further updates as Jenna’s pregnancy journey nears its end.