Chris Combs, a supporting character on the TV show 1000-Lb Sisters, made his debut in Season 2. Alongside his sisters Tammy and Amy Slaton, he embarked on a weight loss journey. Recently, he celebrated a significant weight loss milestone by sharing before and after photos.
From the beginning, fans of 1000-Lb Sisters took a liking to Chris. He exuded happiness and demonstrated genuine care for his sisters. Chris worked at McDonald’s, where he met his wife Brittany, who does not appear on the show. However, Chris became an integral part of the cast. Presently, Chris is a grandfather and cherishes the opportunity to spend time with his little ones.
Chris Combs underwent gastric surgery, resulting in a remarkable weight loss. TLC viewers estimate that he has shed approximately 150 pounds, with a significant portion of that weight loss occurring in recent years. In recent seasons, viewers witnessed his support for his other sisters, Amanda and Misty, who also underwent gastric surgery. Given his likable personality, many fans enjoy seeing his before and after photos.
On Father’s Day this year, Chris took to Instagram Stories and shared two photos. One depicted him with his son in 2019, and the other showed him with his grandchild taken recently. The visible difference in his appearance due to his weight loss was quite evident.
While Chris Combs has disabled comments on his weight loss story, fans have expressed their admiration and found him to be an inspiration in previous posts. When he shared a similar photo with his grandchildren in April, numerous supportive comments poured in. Here are a few examples:
- “Bless you all. You’re an inspiration.”
- “I’m so proud of you. Congratulations, and your family is beautiful too.”
- “Wow, you look so good. I’m currently watching season 4 episode 7. You’re a great family, all so supportive. Hello from Ireland!”
- “Congratulations on your weight loss and your grandbabies.”
- “He looks fantastic! I admire him for how much he loves and cares for his sisters. He is probably a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather. His wife is very quiet, but she apparently is devoted to him.”